Monday, July 23, 2007

what can I do?

First: I don't get sick. I will have occasional bouts with food poisoning (less than 5 times in my 35+ year life). Strangely, I am missing certain common antibodies in my blood. This makes me a great blood donor to immunocompromised children. But I also should have the antibodies--80% or so of the population does by adulthood. I don't know if others with limited or no antibodies are similarly blessed with health.
Second: I am a smart guy. I can do data uptake, coordination, and integration at a pretty high level. Given a context, I remember almost everything.
Third: Context is very helpful to me in using my other ability. I am very good at picking up body language and "micro reactions." My theory isn't so much that other people aren't good at it, as that I'm able to look at people and their interactions from a distance in ways most people can't. I've had several people remark to me that they felt a little odd around me the first time we met, because they felt like I was reading them, and they weren't getting anything from me. It can be a little strange for others as well, as I have a habit of smiling to myself when they do something incredibly expected (by me) but not by themselves.

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